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Contenuti inseriti da Fidelko

  1. Kitchen knife from folded yasugi steel partially hardened:
  2. Here is a picture of Pavel (from that report on television ): He is the guy on the last picture, but i think that it is clear (big guy with a samurai sword)
  3. I would like to thank you for the chance to be here. It is very important to cooperate, collaborate and share our ideas and experiences about such an lovely and important topic like the Nihonto is.
  4. Thank you very much if I find something I will tell you Next friday there will be an report in the television about Pavel. I will post the link to the archive (saturday morning). It will be in czech language, but it could be interesting for you to see him and his works. And as I know there will be a tameshigiri performed by Pavel.
  5. Unokubi zukuri in arato:
  6. Comparison of two steels, on the left side modern steel and on the right side oroshigane:
  7. I know.... I was trying to search for that video but it was deleted from the web archive. I dont have any pictures of his works at the moment. Most of his works are for museums and collectors, so its hard to see his works.
  8. I was not able to find the entire video document, but here is a picture from it: His full name is Victor Sanjuro Hasuhana Chromec
  9. I dont think that tha last sword was polished by him. Iam trying to find some pictures of his works and even there is a video about him if it was not deleted from the web archive of the Czech television.
  10. Nice Victor lived in Czech republic for maybe two years after his togishi study, but there are no such huge collections of swords to polish in this country and it was hard to live like that, so he decided to return to Japan.
  11. These swords are polished by a polisher who works for Pavel, but I dont know his name. As I know some of the folded blades were polished in Japan by a mukansa, but most of them are polished by this polisher who lives in Czech repub ic (as I know). But he is not Victor Hasuhana because he lives in Japan (one of the few european polisher, he learned it for 12years).
  12. Iam very happy that you all liked these pictures.... I think that works of Pavel are becoming better and better over the years. When I was in his house, i saw his first blade ever forged and even the koshirae was very bad, in the case of the blade it was a success. Hamon was present, so he is very good... and of course its all about hard study. He has many many books, videos, and is visiting Japan and listening to more experienced swordmakers. And if you talk to him, you can feel that he loves this work.
  13. I would like to show you some pictures from an exhibiton about swordmaking that was in a museum in Czech republic

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La I.N.T.K. – Itaria Nihon Tōken Kyōkai (Associazione italiana per la Spada Giapponese) è stata fondata a Bologna nel 1990 con lo scopo di diffondere lo studio della Tōken e salvaguardarne il millenario patrimonio artistico-culturale, collaborando con i maggiori Musei d’Arte Orientale ed il collezionismo privato. La I.N.T.K. è accreditata presso l’Ambasciata Giapponese di Roma, il Consolato Generale del Giappone di Milano, la Japan Foundation in Roma, la N.B.T.H.K. di Tōkyō. Seminari, conferenze, visite guidate a musei e mostre, viaggi di studio in Europa e Giappone, consulenze, pubblicazioni, il bollettino trimestrale inviato gratuitamente ai Soci, sono le principali attività della I.N.T.K., apolitica e senza scopo di lucro.

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