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Katana mumei, attribuito a Kashu Kiyomitsu con Hozon Token (NBTHK)
Periodo Edo 17° secolo
Nagasa 69.3cm
Sori 1.8cm
1 mekugi ana

Stile: Shinogi Zukuri, Iori-mune, Itame-Hada con Masame che scorre
Hamon: Suguha con ko ashi
Data: Enpo era (1673)
Luogo: paese di Kaga
Spada del comandante di Shinsengumi Ichiban, comandante Soji Okita


In questo caso non ho idea di come abbiano fatto ad attribuirla a Okita. Link originale:


"Indiana Jones e la lama perduta"

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1 ora fa, Francesco Marinelli ha scritto:

... non ho idea di come abbiano fatto ad attribuirla a Okita. Link originale:

.. se non ricordo male questa era la spada di Yoshida Toshimaro, sottratta da Okita dopo averlo assassinato||;-[

Grazie dell'info..)

Sii immobile come una montagna ...
ma non trattare le cose importanti troppo seriamente.

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8 ore fa, Francesco Marinelli ha scritto:

.. si ritiene essere il pennello del conte Kaneko Kentarō  ..




@@Francesco .. "essere il pennello" (più corretto brush-spazzola)- No fude to .. の筆と - in questo caso si dovrebbe intendere come "supporto" (probabilmente aiutante del conte).
( fude 筆 .. nel senso di supporto per frecce (ora comunemente usato per "un tipo di pennarello.morbido"), generalmente si riferisce ad una sorta di stilografica.. un piccolo contenitore con stecco/pennello e cartuccia di sumi-inchiostro).
(..deriva da ya 矢 freccia + tate 立 supporto..)

Grazie per la condivisione (ero saltato direttamente alla lama di Okita.)


(p.s. ho sparato sto nome nel kantei e a guardar questa non c'entra proprio nulla, anche se la gen-nk ne han fatte di ogni foggia..))
(grazie a Federica di HanamiB)

Modificato: da betadine

Sii immobile come una montagna ...
ma non trattare le cose importanti troppo seriamente.

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Grazie Francesco della condivisione, per quanto riguarda la spada di Kondo avevo già sentito anni fa fosse una Gimei di Kotetsu! certo in questo periodo stanno uscendo tutte spade di loro :blink: chissà! 

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"Kondō was said to have owned a katana called "Kotetsu" (虎徹), the work of the 17th century swordsmith Nagasone Kotetsu. However, the authenticity of his "Kotetsu" is highly debatable. According to Yasu Kizu's pamphlet on the swordmaker Kotetsu, Kondō's sword may actually have been made by Minamoto no Kiyomaro, a swordmaker of high repute roughly contemporary to Kondō."

Yasu Kizu. Swordsmith Nagasone Kotetsu Okisato. Hollywood: W.M. Hawley Publications, 1990.

Recentemente Lonnie ha scritto un articolo su Yasu Kizu, penso che verrà prossimamente pubblicato sul bollettino I.N.T.K. :arigatou:

"Indiana Jones e la lama perduta"

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Scusa Francesco, intanto grazie delle condivisioni, ma dico una idiozia se mi sembra la spada attribuita a Okita, sulla quale percepisco un certo tuo scetticismo, più recente dell'epoca a cui viene attribuita? Sembrerebbe Meiji o addirittura Taisho? Scusa l'ardire

Antonio Vincenzo

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Ciao Altura, ad essere onesto sono un po' scettico su tutte queste ultime lame postate, perché non c'è/c'è poco materiale documentato (ad esempio oshigata ecc) che ne attesti la provenienza e poi ne stanno venendo fuori come funghi..

Riguardo la presunta lama di Okita riportano essere una katana mumei, attribuita a Kashu Kiyomitsu del 17° secolo.

Quella di Kondo sembra essere comunque la più probabile.


"Indiana Jones e la lama perduta"

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.. scusate ma forse c'è un misunderstandig sul lemma «attribuita» ...  io, se ben ricordo, il comandante Okita ce l'ha avuta fra le mani, mentre l'ipotetico Kiyomitsu dovrebbe averla realizzata (da qui l'attribuzione.))
Uno dovrebbe essere il fabbro, o il presunto tale, l'altro non forgiava, l'ha utilizzata. (forse).

idem per quella di Kondo (utilizzatore di lama attribuita a Kotetsu o a Minanoto no Kiyomaro..).

Sii immobile come una montagna ...
ma non trattare le cose importanti troppo seriamente.

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Il 10/6/2020 alle 17:25 , Francesco Marinelli ha scritto:

Integro la discussione con qualche "recente scoperta":


Articolo del Sankei Shinbun che ho cercato di tradurre (l'ultima parte non è per me semplice interpretarla quindi prendetela con le pinze): 

"La spada "Kotetsu", che si dice sia stata posseduta da Isami Kondō - il comandate della Shinsengumi che era attivo alla fine del periodo Tokugawa - è stata messa in vendita in un'asta online ed è diventata un argomento caldo tra i ricercatori. La spada è "contraffatta" dal punto di vista degli esperti (n.d.T gimei - firma falsa). Tuttavia, da quanto scritto sul sayagaki, è altamente possibile che si tratto della "spada di Kondō Isami".

La spada e il fodero di legno all'asta contenevano l'iscrizione del forgiatore del periodo Edo "Nagasone Kotetsu kōshō" (nidai Kotetsu - 2a gen. Kotetsu). È stato esposto nel luglio dello scorso anno e venduto per circa 950.000 yen. Nel sayagaki si dice che un politico dell'era Meiji avesse la spada di Kondō, si ritiene essere il pennello del conte Kaneko Kentarō (n.d.T.:ō), ottenuta tramite Genbei, infatti Kondō la avrebbe consegnata alla famiglia Nakamura della locanda Kanagawa, Genbei ne era il proprietario."


Riporto per completezza e per i posteri anche l'articolo originale del sito e l'immagine del giornale pubblicato (credits Paul Martin - Paul mi ha detto che a breve dovrebbe pubblicare un articolo al riguardo, quindi appena possibile lo integrerò).




Historical Japanese Sword ‘Kotetsu Katana of Kondo Isami’ Discovered

Paul Martin June 13, 2020 


After more than 250 years of rule, the Tokugawa government’s power had begun to wane. The Japanese people had been longing for modernization. Following the arrival of Commodore Perry and the Black Ships in 1853, the Bakufu had succumbed to the pressure of opening its doors to the West.

The opening of Japan to the West also gave rise to the imperialist and anti-foreigner movement, Sonno joi (Revere the Emperor and expel the barbarians). By the spring of 1863, the wave of resentment towards the Tokugawa Bakufu had reached its peak, and bands of ronin (masterless samurai) were roaming the streets of the imperial capital of Kyoto in a rampage of murder and assassination. Kyoto was described as a “sea of blood.” In an effort to strike fear into the hearts of all those who opposed the imperial loyalists, the heads of the victims would be displayed on poles along the riverbanks.

During this period, the Aizu clan from Mutsu province (Fukushima prefecture) was under the command of ninth generation lord Katamori Matsudaira (1836-1893), a cousin of the shogun, Yoshinobu Tokugawa. When Kyoto became engulfed in violence, Yoshinobu sent Katamori up to the capital as military commissioner to police the area and protect the Emperor.

In addition, the Tokugawa shogunate, in an extra effort to take control of the dire situation in Kyoto, formed a militia of swordsmen to police the streets of Kyoto to restore order and crush any opposition to the government. Armed with official sanction to kill by the Bakufu, they used this to its full intensity — becoming a most-dreaded force in this turbulent period of Japanese history: the Shinsengumi (Newly Selected Corps).

The group went through several name changes before finally settling on Shinsengumi. It is said that it was Katamori who gave them the name, after reassigning their duties in Kyoto and presented them with swords. Two of the leaders of the Shinsengumi were the famous swordsmen Kondo Isami (1834-1868) and Hijikata Toshizo (1835-1869).


Unfortunately, despite the Shinsengumi’s loyalty to the Emperor and the shogun, they ended up on the wrong side of history during the Meiji Restoration, when the tide turned against the Tokugawa Shogunate. The bravery and loyalty demonstrated at that time by the Shinsengumi has since been recognized as a pinnacle of loyalty, and their story has been told countless times in books, dramas, manga, and animé. The character on their banner, Makoto 誠 (sincerity), illustrates the sentiment very well.

Kondo’s birth name was Miyagawa Katsugoro. He was born the son of a farmer in Chofu, western Tokyo. After fighting and defeating thieves who had broken into his family home, he came to the attention of Kondo Shusuke, the third-generation master of the Tennen Rishin Ryu school of fencing. The childless Shusuke had been searching for an heir to continue the school’s lineage and subsequently adopted Isami in 1849. Then, on the 30th of September 1861, he formally took the name of Kondo Isami when he accepted the position as the fourth-generation head of the school. In 1863, Kondo Isami was appointed one of the heads of the Shinsengumi, along with Hijikata Toshizo and Serizawa Kamo, after their previous group, the Roshigumi, was disbanded.

Following the alliance formed by Satsuma and Choshu forces (the Satcho Alliance), the newly-formed Imperial Forces crushed any opposition. The Shinsengumi were defeated, and Kondo Isami was captured and executed (by beheading) at Itabashi (Tokyo) as an insurgent in 1868. There are also memorial stones for Kondo Isami close to Tokyo’s Itabashi station, where he was executed.

Kondo’s head was transported to Kyoto as proof. His body was interred at Ryugen-ji Temple in Mitaka (Tokyo). However, his head was stolen in Kyoto, but is claimed to be buried at Hozo-ji Temple in Okazaki in Aichi prefecture. According to Aizu-Wakamatsu locals, it is said that the person who stole his head was from Aizu, and the head, along with another sword of Kondo’s, was brought to Aizu and buried in Tennei-ji Temple (Aizu-Wakamatsu). Today, there is a monument to the fallen of the Boshin War, along with a separate gravestone dedicated to Kondo, in Tennei-ji.


Nagasone Kotetsu


Kondo was famously said to own a sword by the most famous swordsmith of the early Edo period, Nagasone Kotetsu.

Nagasone Okisato Kotetsu was formerly an armor maker who turned to sword making. His name was carried on by his student, Nagasone Okimasa (2nd Gen. Kotetsu). Swords made by these smiths were known for their cutting efficiency, and became very popular masterpieces. Swords by Kotetsu are said to have been owned by Ito Naosuke and Katsu Kaishu, among others, and several works by Kotetsu have been designated as Important Cultural Objects. However, with the fame and popularity of many swordsmiths, their works are often faked. It is often claimed that the Kotetsu owned by Kondo Isami had a fake signature, but the sword’s whereabouts remained unknown.

A sword was listed on an online auction in 2019 as a late Edo period-signed katana in shirasaya (plain wooden sleeping scabbard) by Nagasone Kotetsu Okimasa (2nd Gen. Kotetsu). The inscription on the shirasaya that houses the blade states, “This is Kondo Isami’s Katana.” It was listed in July 2019 and sold for approximately ¥950,000 JPY (about $8,890 USD). The inscriptions on the shirasaya are thought to have been written by Meiji period (1868-1912) politician Kaneko Kentaro (1853-1942). It states that the sword was passed by Kondo to the Kanagawa-juku Nakamura family, and was given to Kaneko by the then-head of the family, Nakamura Genbe.

The winner of the auction contacted Shinsengumi sword researcher Toshina Gon, 68, who said that it was recorded in Kanako’s memoirs, written in his later life, that he had received the sword from “Shinagawa-juku Nakamura Genbe,” and that he had taken the sword and displayed it at a Kotetsu exhibition in 1903.

However, according to Gon’s research, it became apparent that Nakamura Genbe was not from Shinagawa-Juku, but from Kanagawa-juku, just as stated in the inscription on the scabbard. It has been suggested that if the inscription on the scabbard was fake, it would have corresponded with the mistaken record of Shinagawa-juku in Kaneko’s memoirs. Also, the handwriting on the scabbard matches that of Kaneko’s, raising the possibility of it actually being the “Kotetsu” sword of Kondo Isami.

Kentaro’s granddaughter, Kaneko Hiroko, 65, was asked about her grandfather’s sword. She said, “My mother told me that after my grandfather died, my grandmother said, ‘How long are we going to keep this people-killing kitchen knife? it’s evil!.’ So, it was sold to an antiques dealer.” Hiroko went on to say that it looked like her grandfather’s writing, and that he had had a propensity for putting inscriptions on objects, often writing inscriptions on boxes, picture frames, folding screens, and scroll paintings.

The sword itself is inscribed in the tang with “Nagasone Kotetsu Okisato,” but appears to be a fake signature that was added to a previously unsigned Edo period (1600-1868) sword. The sword that Kaneko Kentaro displayed at a Kotetsu exhibition was praised at the time in the Asahi newspaper as “a wonderful, blade with a clear steel structure.” However, Shinsengumi sword researcher Toshina Gon states that, “When you actually see the sword in hand, it is obvious that the signature is spurious.”

Up until the early Meiji period, the Kotetsu of Kondo’s was not considered to be a fake. However, in modern times it is commonly said that “Kondo’s Kotetsu was a fake.” When asked about this, Gon says:

This is possibly because everyone knew that Kondo’s Kotetsu sword owned by Kaneko Kentaro was fake, so it may have become a widespread rumor that Kondo’s Kotetsu sword was a fake. However, in the Meiji period, it was thought that there was no reason for an “insurgent” leader of the Shinsengumi to have owned a real Kotetsu, as they were very expensive, which in turn supports the theory of the likelihood of it being a fake.

However, it is said that Kondo Isami owned a number of blades as the Shinsengumi were given swords by both the Bakufu and by Matsudaira Katamori. This fake was probably among them, but it is also possible that the Kotetsu he used at the Ikedaya incident was real.


Toshina Gon’s research on the Shinsengumi and their swords is published in his book, Shinsengumi-shi Saiko to Ryoyu Token Dan: Shinsengumi History Reconsidered and Conversations about the Swords of Kondo Isami and Hijikata Toshizo (Fukyo Doji Publishing House, 2020, Japanese).

"Indiana Jones e la lama perduta"

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Grazie per le interazioni, Francesco.

Come stiamo vedendo anche in questi giorni, "armare" (anche solo di vernice) gruppi di sparuti lealisti o moralizzatori porta inequivocabilmente «individui» a divenir giudice e boia in egual misura.
"Unfortunately, despite the Shinsengumi’s loyalty to the Emperor and the shogun, they ended up on the wrong side of history during the Meiji Restoration, when the tide turned against the Tokugawa'S." 

Sii immobile come una montagna ...
ma non trattare le cose importanti troppo seriamente.

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In vendita da un ben noto sito c'è un koshirae da tanto appartenuto a Hijikata Toshizo, pubblicato anche sul libro "Shinsengumi! I Makoto" ed è stato esibito al Edo-Tokyo Museum e al Kyoto Museum.

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Grazie per la condivisione! Mi voglio augurare che il museo della famiglia Hijikata possa essere in grado di acquistarlo :arigatou:

"Indiana Jones e la lama perduta"

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13 ore fa, betadine ha scritto:

Grazie Manuel


Questa dovrebbe essere la brigata..


presa da qua ..




Mi riconoscete? sono il bimbo con la giacca a quadretti, iniziavo lo studio di Togishi molti e molti anni fa. Vedete quante lame hanno questi Samurai? Si prenotavano per Togi.

Non sto scherzando è la veritaaaa !!!!! . 

Forse i Covid ci dà alla testa. :mbriachi::siamoamici:

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