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Francesco Marinelli

Seminar with Nobuo Nakahara at Christie’s Amsterdam NL on 12th & 13th of October 2019

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Ho piacere di segnalarvi che il 12 e 13 Ottobre si terrà ad Amsterdam un seminario con Nakahara sensei, studioso delle Token e scrittore del noto volume che immagino essere in tutte le vostre librerie.
Sotto trovate il sito con il programma e tutte le informazioni:
Seminar with Nobuo Nakahara at Christie’s Amsterdam NL on 12th & 13th of October 2019
Essential appreciation of Japanese Sword


seminar-n-01-1-1024x352.jpg Japanese sword seminar with Nobuo Nakahara and Takuyoshi Nakano

12th (Sat) and 13th (Sun) of October 2019

Christie’s Amsterdam
Vondelstraat 73
1054 GK Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Institute for Japanese Sword Craft
Tel : +31 68 649 6251

Contact ←click here

We are honoured to announce that we will be holding the Japanese sword seminar with Nakahara Nobuo, one of the top kanteika (connoisseur) of Japanese sword in Japan today, and his senior disciple Nakano Takuyoshi, a NBTHK sword instructor at the viewing room of Christie’s Amsterdam, a beautiful location in city of Amsterdam in autumn of 2019.

Nakahara’s lecture offers practical and precise, hands-on view to the essence of Japanese sword collecting and appreciation. We have decided to keep these seminars as small groups in order to make them more intimate and meaningful.

Traditionaly, most of the secret knowledge was passed down generation to generation by oral instruction ; this is called 口伝 (kuden).
This event will be the first time master Nobuo Nakahara’s and his disciple Takuyoshi Nakano held the seminar outside of Japan. This present great opportunity to meet and receive expert knowledge direct from the masters.

Institute for Japanese Sword Craft
Takao Fujimoto

Send a message via contact form ← click here
email : info(a)
(change @ from (a))
Phone : +31 68 649 6251

12th (Sat) Oct. 2019
Day 1 : The Essentials
By Nakahara Nobuo and Nakano Takuyoshi
11:00 – 12:00
13:00 – 16:00
Contribution : 100 Euro
Capacity : 25 person (Max 30)

* Traditional handling, viewing and maintenance of Japanese swords.
* Essential appreciation and quality evaluation methods of Japanese swords.
* Basics of Kantei (appraisal) with displayed swords (question and answer)
* Preservation of Japanese swords and their tradition.
* Question and answer.
* Kantei (appraisal) session by Nobuo Nakahara.
Participators can bring their sword for appraisal. He will give his opinion of the sword orally with owner of the swords individually for educational purpose, not issuing papers. (you can take notes, photos) *100 Euro/sword
If you wish to make a reservation, please see below.

13th Oct. 2019
Day 2 : Advanced
By Nakahara Nobuo and Nakano Takuyoshi
11:00 – 12:00
13:00 – 16:00
Contribution : 250 Euro
Capacity : 15 person (Max 20)

*Traditional handling, viewing, maintenance of Japanese swords.
* Multiple viewpoints of Nakago (tang) and judgment of authenticity method.
* Consideration about mumei(un-signed) swords.
* Conservation and restoration.
* Question and answer.
* Kantei (appraisal) session by Nobuo Nakahara.
He will give his opinion of the sword orally with owner of the swords individually for educational purpose, not issuing papers. (you can take notes, photos) *100 Euro/sword
If you wish to make a reservation, please see below.

For reservation or question ← click here na-02-1.jpgna-01.jpg15826831_951649188303373_839810398941458FullSizeRender-32-1.jpgAmsterdam-Office_03.jpgAmsterdam-Office_06.jpgAmsterdam-Office_10.jpgReservation/Question ← click here to contact us


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