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Tsuba particolare

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E' una tsuba strana, l'ho trovata per caso, ha qualche cosa di Africano, non sò definire se mi piace, ma proprio perchè particolare come un'amico, ho deciso di postarla e dedicarla a Lui, a questo punto non mi pongo più nemmeno il problema se mi piace o no, è solo particolare, e come negli amici la particolarità è ciò che ci colpisce, inutile chiederci se ci piace ha già detto tutto l'amicizia.


Al mio Amico Tsubashi.





Very interesting tsuba known as a "Shingen" tsuba. There are a few examples of this type of tsuba that supposedly originated from the Famous warlord Takeda Shingen. One story is that Takeda Shingen wrapped brass wire around a iron sukashi tsuba while waiting patiently before a major battle. Supposedly this kept him calm and focused and able to react and think in a clear manner when it counted. Because of this practice of his, many of his supporters followed in his actions and made these tsuba as well. Apparently this habit carried on through the Edo period, as there are examples made all during the 1600-1700's. Basically , these type of tsuba are a large iron sukashi plate with brass wire wrapped in and out of the design. there is alot of time and effort put into the weaving of these tsubas design, and the few examples that are left are very interesting for collectors. A few strands are missing, but in otherwise good condition.




Time Period


Edo Period









Side-Side - 3.21"

Top-Bottom - 2.8"





"accorciati la firma". Ernst Jünger

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Sempre in tema e sempre :tioffrounabirra: al nostro amico Tsubashi !




Utilizzare la stessa tecnica per l'intreccio dei giunchi, questa deve essere stata la partenza per fare questa tsuba, una base rigida per l'inserimento del nakago e poi una serie di fili più spessi a raggera per il piano di struttura dove intrecciare i fili molto fini.


Ne ho trovato un'altra che sembra una via di mezzo tra questi e la normalità,con una storia particolare.



Mysterious Shingen Tsuba


This type of tsuba is very unique with bands of alternating pieces of wire inlaid in this fashion around the border of the tsuba. Although there are several variations of this style, the above tsuba is the most typical and commonly found. This type of tsuba is known as Shingen Tsuba after the well known 16th warlord, Takeda Shingen, of Koshu, who is said to have first designed this sword guard.


Most people do not know why this is called Shingen Tsuba or what relation this tsuba has to the famous warlord.


If one views the famous but rather boscure collection of the Takeda Clan in Yamanashi Prefecture, we see many examples of this tsuba in its collection and this directly links the tsuba with Takeda Shingen. Although some people refer to this as a "basket weave" style which it quite resembles, actually, this is also known by its earlier name, Mukade Tsuba or "Centipede Tsuba."


The centipede is one of the banner designs of Takeda Shingen. According to an old legend, even if a centipede dies, it still remains standing because of its many legs to support its body. For warriors, it means that even after death, the brave warrior will continue to stand in fighting posture - such is the spirit Takeda Shingen taught his troops.

"accorciati la firma". Ernst Jünger

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